Monday, October 24, 2011

Prost! Prost! Prost!

In German that means cheers, cheers, cheers!! It was the theme of our weekend and really the only reason for our venture to Pittsburgh! Since our Germany trip with Pammy and Bill I have been begging Ry to take me to Pittsburgh and he did just that! Reason 100000 why I love him oh so much!! We had a top notch weekend!! I ran him ragged but we were able to see and do a bunch!! As soon as we arrived, we swung on over to Pramanti's to have one of their famous sammies, we then treked from downtown to The Strip District (whoa mama that's a heck of a walk if you didn't know!!), visited the History Museum, caught some college football games (sheww Pittsburgh-- how about you get some sports bars!!!) we ended the night with lots of singing, dancing and "prosting" at the Hofbrauhaus!!! As you can imagine, Sunday we were not too early to rise but needed to squeeze more things in before heading back home.  We grabbed breakfast at a cute little dinner, walked even more (I have shinsplints from all this walking!!), rode up the incline for a great view of the city!!, and even had time to squeeze in some time at Market Square before we loaded back on the bus for the ride home! Man we jammed lots of things into two days and it was GREATTTT!! Here are some of the pics from the weekend!!! Thanks Ry for taking me!!!!

 bad pic of ry haha but we stayed in "Ryan's Suite" pretty snazzzy!!
 All sandwiches come with a HANDFUL, heaping handful, of fries and coleslaw-- YUMMM!
Theresa we learned all about Ketchup!! ;)
 This is one of the only pics of my cape!!!! LOVE IT!

Thanks Pittsburgh you were fun!!!


1 comment:

Amanda Smith said...

i see your feather is still kickin it