I found this great idea a while back and knew I had to try it! I will admit I got a little crazy, I infused both bourbon and vodka. I infused the bourbon with bacon and the vodka with yup, jalapenos! Crazy I know, but they turned out GREAT!
The bacon infused bourbon took 7 days to reach its full flavor. The jalapeno infused vodka only took a day. I put it in full sunlight to let the flavors fully combine. Whoooa it is spicy!
You have to carefully strain the added components out of the alcohol. For the bacon I used a coffee filter because of all the small parts (boy it took a long time!) the vodka was much more easy. I simply used a strainer. After fully strained I spruced them up in nice bottles for presentation! I also included recipe cards on the bottle for the infused beverages.
We tried one of the recipe cards last night, we decided on the Boozy Bourbon Apple. You mix together the bacon bourbon, cream soda and apple juice. It is so delicious, especially over ice! If you are interested in some of the other recipes let me know!
Happy sipping!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Snapshots of Christmas
This Christmas was great! I was able to spend lots of time with my family catching up and eating GREAT food! It was VERY DIFFERENT from our normal regiment, but nonetheless AWESOME!! It's nice to shake things up every once in a bit! Here are some shots from the weekend! More to come soon!
Mr. and Mrs. Clause!
Sweet puppies!
Big made everyone these-- how cute!
Even Santa's helper gets surprised!
D's new grill set- GO COWBOYS!
Mom's new beach cart! They got 2!!!
New tradition, put together a puzzle as a fam! This one was TOUGH!!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Mine was sure great and a nice change of pace! Thanks to all of my family for my WONDERFUL, well thought-out presents! What more could a girl ask for?!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Twas the night before Christmas... a different version...
Kate from every mile a memory shared this today on her blog and I thought how appropriate. Take a gander...
Twas the night before Christmas,
He lived all alone,
In a one bedroom house,
Made of plaster and stone.
I had come down the chimney,
With presents to give,
And to see just who,
In this home, did live.
I looked all about,
A strange sight I did see,
No tinsel, no presents,
Not even a tree.
No stocking by mantle,
Just boots filled with sand,
On the wall hung pictures,
Of far distant lands.
With medals and badges,
Awards of all kinds,
A sober thought,
Came through my mind.
For this house was different,
It was dark and dreary,
I found the home of a soldier,
Once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping,
Silent, alone,
Curled up on the floor,
In this one bedroom home.
The face was so gentle,
The room in disorder,
Not how I pictured,
A true British soldier.

Was this the hero,
Of whom I'd just read?
Curled up on a poncho,
The floor for a bed?
I realised the families,
That I saw this night,
Owed their lives to these soldiers,
Who were willing to fight.
Soon round the world,
The children would play,
And grownups would celebrate,
A bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom,
Each month of the year,
Because of the soldiers,
Like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder,
How many lay alone,
On a cold Christmas Eve,
In a land far from home.
The very thought brought,
A tear to my eye,
I dropped to my knees,
And started to cry.
The soldier awakened,
And I heard a rough voice,
"Santa don't cry,
This life is my choice;
I fight for freedom,
I don't ask for more,
My life is my God,
My country, my corps."

The soldier rolled over,
And drifted to sleep,
I couldn't control it,
I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours,
So silent and still,
And we both shivered,
From the cold night's chill.
I did not want to leave,
On that cold, dark, night,
This guardian of honor,
So willing to fight.
Then the soldier rolled over,
With a voice soft and pure,
Whispered, "carry on Santa,
It's Christmas day, all is secure."
One look at my watch,
And I knew he was right.
"Merry Christmas my friend,
And to all a good night."

This poem was written by a Peacekeeping soldier stationed overseas. The following is his request. I think it is reasonable.
PLEASE. Would you do me the kind favour of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to all of the service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us. Please, do your small part to plant this small seed.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The best of Christmas
With Christmas FAST approaching I thought I would share my favorite Christmas decorations with you! Some old and some new :)
**I'm missing my ceramic nativity scene, that is by far one of my favorites just did not have it this year!
What decorations make your house complete?
3 days left til Christmas!
New addition this year.. thanks Theresa!
Smoker from Germany, Thanks PAM!
So simple to make yet so great to decorate any surface.
My Nannie gave me this a while back, its traveled to every house I've ever lived!
Grand finale....the Christmas tree with all the presents nestled under!
**I'm missing my ceramic nativity scene, that is by far one of my favorites just did not have it this year!
What decorations make your house complete?
3 days left til Christmas!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Fine taste for your palate!
Last night I had the pleasure of dining at Bourbon Steak in G-town! My oh my it was delicioso if I do say so myself!
For starters they bring you out a trifecta of french fries-- heaavenly!! With three different sauces I must add! A great little start to the meal!
We topped our meal off with steak and veal- my mouth is watering just thinking about it! If you have not had the pleasure of dining there I would go ahead and add it to your list! :) Happy Tuesday!
4 days 'til Christmas!
For starters they bring you out a trifecta of french fries-- heaavenly!! With three different sauces I must add! A great little start to the meal!
We topped our meal off with steak and veal- my mouth is watering just thinking about it! If you have not had the pleasure of dining there I would go ahead and add it to your list! :) Happy Tuesday!
4 days 'til Christmas!
Monday, December 19, 2011
4 things . .
Happy Monday to y'all!! I was so busy last week that I neglected my 4 things I was loving!! Since there was so much to love I decided I just couldn't pass it up! :)
1. Gluhwein-- I posted about this recently here. I just can't get enough of this stuff! It is a great winter drink, really puts you in the holiday spirits!!
1. Gluhwein-- I posted about this recently here. I just can't get enough of this stuff! It is a great winter drink, really puts you in the holiday spirits!!
2. Work Holiday Party! This year me and a co-worker planned our annual holiday gathering! It turned out great! We had great food and did a White Elephant exchange!! Such a great time had by all!
3. Theresa's Birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
4. FAMILY CHRISTMAS at MARSHA's!!!! This is one of the best weekends of the year! My family all comes together to celebrate Christmas a week early. We dress to a theme and bring gifts to another!! It is great!! We are surrounded by GREAT food, GREAT people and HILARIOUS COSTUMES!!!!!!! This year was "elf your-self" dress and our gifts were random if anything haha!!!
What are y'all loving?? Did everyone have a great weekend??
5 days til CHRISTMAS!!!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Getting festive for the holidays!!!
Sorry for the lack in posting this week I have had something almost every night after work- boy oh boy it sure does make the week fly but makes me oh so sleepy!! Anywho, thought I would share what Amanda has been up to!! I mentioned her earlier in one of my posts here, since then she has been crafting away!! I have put in a couple of request (sorry can't share my items just yet-- sooooon though!) I really suggest for your last minute gifts that you head over to her site on etsy and purchase your Christmas gifts :) As her site is not fully built out I highly suggest one of her wreaths or dog silhouettes-- they're by far my favs!!
Monday, December 12, 2011
It's the most wonderful time of the year
This weekend was jam packed and I do mean jam packed! It definitely put me in the Christmas mood if I wasn't there already (don't worry I have been since Dec 1! haha!) Friday night I hosted several ladies for a jewelry party and tasty food at my house--it was such a great time! I think I grazed the food table more than the actual jewelry!
Saturday morning I was early to rise, a little too early but it was for a good reason! I scooted on down to Fredericksburg where Theresa and I had a fun filled day touring old historic houses decked out in Christmas!! They were awesome and even more so was the history that filled the walls! I didn't snap one dagburn picture of Theresa and I but here are a couple to give you a preview of the houses.
We did get a little cold standing in line but the payoff was well worth it! Thanks Theresa for getting the tickets! We ended the night with a concert down in Ashland featuring the The Taters and The Grandsons! They were a hoot just a hoot! They played holiday music and a couple of their favs! Boy were we exhausted when we got home!
Saturday morning I was early to rise, a little too early but it was for a good reason! I scooted on down to Fredericksburg where Theresa and I had a fun filled day touring old historic houses decked out in Christmas!! They were awesome and even more so was the history that filled the walls! I didn't snap one dagburn picture of Theresa and I but here are a couple to give you a preview of the houses.
We did get a little cold standing in line but the payoff was well worth it! Thanks Theresa for getting the tickets! We ended the night with a concert down in Ashland featuring the The Taters and The Grandsons! They were a hoot just a hoot! They played holiday music and a couple of their favs! Boy were we exhausted when we got home!
It was such a great weekend, but I think I need a weekend to regroup from my weekend! What did y'all do this weekend? Are y'all ready for the Holidays?
Friday, December 9, 2011
4 things . .
Happy Friday! I can't believe it's here so soon (not complaining at all!!)
This week I'm loving..
1. ALL MY CHRISTMAS buying is done!!!! I have a few small things to pick up here and there but that doesn't count! I successfully wrapped all my gifts last night in old newspaper! They may not look the most attractive but at least I'm doing my part to help the environment!
2. All the yummy treats I fixed last night! I whipped up 75 cupcakes and icing, dip for my sweet potato fries and another sweet treat but have to save that for later-- don't want to ruin the surprise! Tonight I'm hosting a couple ladies at my little box for munchies vino and jewelry! Hurry it up work day!
3. MY sweet little mama! I know, I know, we all say that we have the best parents but I by far have the best mama one could ask for and we're practically twins! I hope I age half as well!
4. Candlelight Tour!! Tomorrow Theresa and I are going to tour the sites of old historic houses dressed up for the holidays! I am beyond excited! Ricky has so graciously given up his ticket so that I may attend :)
Hope y'all have a great weekend
This week I'm loving..
1. ALL MY CHRISTMAS buying is done!!!! I have a few small things to pick up here and there but that doesn't count! I successfully wrapped all my gifts last night in old newspaper! They may not look the most attractive but at least I'm doing my part to help the environment!
2. All the yummy treats I fixed last night! I whipped up 75 cupcakes and icing, dip for my sweet potato fries and another sweet treat but have to save that for later-- don't want to ruin the surprise! Tonight I'm hosting a couple ladies at my little box for munchies vino and jewelry! Hurry it up work day!
Didn't ice them yet-- haha they look like little pockets of ketchup!
3. MY sweet little mama! I know, I know, we all say that we have the best parents but I by far have the best mama one could ask for and we're practically twins! I hope I age half as well!
4. Candlelight Tour!! Tomorrow Theresa and I are going to tour the sites of old historic houses dressed up for the holidays! I am beyond excited! Ricky has so graciously given up his ticket so that I may attend :)
Hope y'all have a great weekend
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Knitting isn't just for grandmas...
Last night I took my first attempt at learning the tricks of the trade in the knitting department-- sheeeew more power to those gma's out there-- it is not as easy as it looks! I literally could not talk and stitch at the same time! It demands a high level of concentration! Thanks to Annie for her patience and skillfullness in correcting all my whoops! Anybody have suggestions or helpful tips in this area??
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Just your basic winter tottie
Going on almost 2 years ago.. wow.. 2 years!!! HOLY SMOKES time flies when you are having fun, Ry and I flew on over to see the sites of Germany!!! His aunt and uncle were living there at the time and I can't even begin to tell you how great of a trip it was!!! Just a top notch trip if you ask me. Anywho, the point to all my blubbering is that while there we got hooked on Glühwein!! It is the perfect winter drink!! It is essentially hot red wine! We happened to find some locally!! Perfect sitting by the fire with your socks kicked up kind of drink! We added a shot of Amaretto to kick it up a couple notches-- thanks to Theresa for the suggestion!! :)
2 years ago a flight over the big ocean and a quick nap later we hit the streets!
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Ideas for the not so easy
1. PAPER COTERIE-- in love!!! I have ordered a couple gifts from here and must say that I am beyond excited! The company is GREAT! Fast shipping, well executed products and great customer service!! They have anything from recipe books, calendars, to decor and memory keepers! Paper Coterie
2. AMAZON MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-- this is so awesome I had to include. Right now Amazon is running a promotion on magazines, pretty much any and all you can think of, yearly subscriptions for $5-- nope that is not a typo!! Check them out! What's the catch-- auto renewal-- put a reminder on your calendar :) Amazon Magazine Subscriptions
3. BATH AND BODY WORKS WALL FLOWERS-- now now I know what you are thinking, I used to give those presents in middle school!! Well my friends let me introduce you to the Wall Flowers-- let's not get too ahead of ourselves and think that I am referring you to the smelly good lotions and body washes-- rather let's keep it simple!! My mom introduced me to these and they are the perfect holiday gift!! They are much much better than the GLADE plug-ins you pick up at the pharmacy or grocery store! They last much longer and are a plug in and forget until you walk in the front door again kind of present! I have highly enjoyed mine and they go with any theme of the season! Wall flowers
4. JAR GIFTS-- for the teachers, friends, aunts and cousins you never know what to get, I recommend doing a jar gift. What is a jar gift you may ask, take a mason jar or for that matter any jar and fill it with goodness. Ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, hot coca, winter coffee and the like. These are a hit! You can dress it up with a bow or a piece of fabric under the lid.
5. ETSY-- now this is a little unknown secret! It is the perfect go to place for the crafty, nick knack lover! It is a website designed for small businesses to feature there products and my oh my there are a lot of different and GREAT items! You can search by location, piece or even category! Amanda opened up her own shop, called Life by the Day-- we have been encouraging her for quite some time! She is so creative and can make the BEST things!! I'll have to share soon some of things she made for my apartment!! She is going to have samplings of her work on her etsy page that you can buy but she'll also take requests! She's doing a couple gifts for me!!! CAN'T WAIT! Y'all should take a peak at her's and Etsy in general!! They have great stuff!!
Happy Monday!!
2. AMAZON MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS-- this is so awesome I had to include. Right now Amazon is running a promotion on magazines, pretty much any and all you can think of, yearly subscriptions for $5-- nope that is not a typo!! Check them out! What's the catch-- auto renewal-- put a reminder on your calendar :) Amazon Magazine Subscriptions
3. BATH AND BODY WORKS WALL FLOWERS-- now now I know what you are thinking, I used to give those presents in middle school!! Well my friends let me introduce you to the Wall Flowers-- let's not get too ahead of ourselves and think that I am referring you to the smelly good lotions and body washes-- rather let's keep it simple!! My mom introduced me to these and they are the perfect holiday gift!! They are much much better than the GLADE plug-ins you pick up at the pharmacy or grocery store! They last much longer and are a plug in and forget until you walk in the front door again kind of present! I have highly enjoyed mine and they go with any theme of the season! Wall flowers
4. JAR GIFTS-- for the teachers, friends, aunts and cousins you never know what to get, I recommend doing a jar gift. What is a jar gift you may ask, take a mason jar or for that matter any jar and fill it with goodness. Ingredients for chocolate chip cookies, hot coca, winter coffee and the like. These are a hit! You can dress it up with a bow or a piece of fabric under the lid.
5. ETSY-- now this is a little unknown secret! It is the perfect go to place for the crafty, nick knack lover! It is a website designed for small businesses to feature there products and my oh my there are a lot of different and GREAT items! You can search by location, piece or even category! Amanda opened up her own shop, called Life by the Day-- we have been encouraging her for quite some time! She is so creative and can make the BEST things!! I'll have to share soon some of things she made for my apartment!! She is going to have samplings of her work on her etsy page that you can buy but she'll also take requests! She's doing a couple gifts for me!!! CAN'T WAIT! Y'all should take a peak at her's and Etsy in general!! They have great stuff!!
Happy Monday!!
Friday, December 2, 2011
4 things . .
This week I'm loving....
1. CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! On the radio, on pandora, from my little village in my house-- it's everywhere and fills me with holiday cheer!!!
2. My brand new Iphone!! Not sure how I used my dincky old blackberry for so long! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
3. 25 Days of Christmas on ABC-- it's down right ah-mazing! Every night leading up to Christmas they play a Christmas movie!!
4. My mom's hand-me-down COWBOY BOOTS!! Thanks mama bear and pops for buying them for her! ;)
HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL!! Hope y'all have a great weekend!!!
1. CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! On the radio, on pandora, from my little village in my house-- it's everywhere and fills me with holiday cheer!!!
2. My brand new Iphone!! Not sure how I used my dincky old blackberry for so long! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!
3. 25 Days of Christmas on ABC-- it's down right ah-mazing! Every night leading up to Christmas they play a Christmas movie!!
4. My mom's hand-me-down COWBOY BOOTS!! Thanks mama bear and pops for buying them for her! ;)
Aren't they beauts?!?!
HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL!! Hope y'all have a great weekend!!!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
.. that's right I said it! Definitely not a word you will find in Webster but one I like to use here and there when something is REALLY REALLY good! And that is what happened in my kitchen last night!! Thanks to the few culinary genius's out there for their helpful tips!! I have been wanting to use my cast iron pan for quite some time so decided last night was as good as any! (thanks big and d and side note mom) In it I seared the steak on both sides on the stove top then stuck in the oven for a good 10 minutes at 350. I removed the steaks from the pan to let them rest and sweat out some scallions and mushrooms in the juices adding a little cooking wine--- HEAVENLY!!! Ry joined me and seemed pretty happy with the outcome! We topped the night off with a showing of Horrible Bosses, (have y'all seen it?? It's pretty funny I must say!!) homemade pecan pie and egg nog ice cream! What a great little night! . . .
** as a reminder RABBIT RABBIT!!
** as a reminder RABBIT RABBIT!!
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