Friday, February 17, 2012

4 Things . . .

Happy Friday to ya! So glad it's here! 4 things I'm loving this week are:

1. One of my best frieeeaaannnddds received the BIG question (and BIG ROCK!) this week!  I could not be more excited and happy for them!! CONGRATS KELS AND DAVE!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU BOTH!


2. Baby back, baby back RIBSS!!! Ry and I treated ourselves to these bad boys for Valentines dinner! They were slap yo-mama good!

3. Homemade granola! Monday evening I did a little experimenting in the kitchen and much to my surprise it turned out GREAT! I combined a couple of recipes and woowee found the perfect match! Dark chocolate and almond is what I've been munching on all week! It's a great hearty snack that actually fills you up and tastes greeat!

4. 90's country! I just can't get enough! Reba, George Straight, Shanaya, Garth, Billy Ray, and Vince just to name a few can sing me all the way through my little week! WHOOP WHOOP!

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